April 9, 2012

measure outside

I can't wait for my thermometer to get all the way to the top!  I think it might be . . . I wonder if it could . . . I wonder if it will . . . get as hot as a volcano when it gets up to the top!

My thermometer is long, and it's shaped like a oval.  The red line that goes up measures how hot it is outside.  My dad used zip-lines--put them through the holes on the thermometer--and zipped them to the bars outside me and Keturah's bedroom window.  I just look out the window, and you can see the temperature.

I check my thermometer every day since the day after Valentine's day.  Usually outside is 40 degrees.  Lately though, I've been checking it a lot more, and it's usually 40 or 60.  Today it's nearly 80 degrees.  I am excited and happy because it's nice and warm outside.

 I like being really hot.

Remember, kids' noses don't come off . . . Moyer


  1. Me too, Moyer! I really like it hot too!
    (Ben's mommy)

    1. Thank you for saying that you like it really hot. I hope it's really hot tomorrow when we play!

  2. Moyer I like it when it is really hot as well. I now know who to call to find out the temperature on a daily basis. I wonder if it will get to the top this summer with the hot summer weather here in our city.
