March 24, 2012


I came up with that idea.  And I came up with it, because it was a good idea.  I have a lot to say and I want to invite people to my website.

It's true.

I know because that's how God made you.  No one has ever taken off my nose.  And no one ever will--because of my blog.  Ha-Ha-Ha!
Remember, kids' noses don't come off . . . Moyer


  1. As a former kid, no one has ever taken my nose off either. Yay!

  2. Wow! Moyer, you have your own blog! How exciting is that?! I just love your blog title! When I was little my grandfather use to tease me by telling me he could take my nose! He tried to convince me that his thumb between his fingers was my nose. I didn't believe him but it sure made me laugh! I hope you write more stuff because I want to follow your blog!

  3. I think this is a fantastic idea, Moyer! I'm also happy to say that my nose remained intact throughout my entire childhood, so I can attest to your title's accuracy. (Ask your parents to define any of those words you don't understand--I'm sure they'd be happy to oblige.) I can't wait to read more of your posts!

    1. Thank you for saying that. I'm really happy.

  4. Moyer, I am so glad that your nose doesn't come off! And either does mine! We are remembering that it's been almost a year since we last saw you! We miss you! Are you still going to the market for Chinese breakfast now and again? If you do, get some for me too!

    1. Sure! (Mom's note: pretty sure that's in reference to picking you up some Chinese breakfast.)

  5. Welcome to the wonderful world of blogging Moyer! I'm subscribing to your blog to make sure that I don't miss anything! (I LOVE the background photo you chose.)

    1. Thank you for saying that you love the background photo. My mom took it. I wrote about it, and I thought it would be a good background picture because I thought someone would love it. (Mom's note: he wrote about it on the "about my blog" page.)

  6. Thanks, y'all! Moyer was delighted with each and every comment. He smiled the whole way through and giggled after every one~~~and, question: do I need to get this kid his own google id? I think it looks funny that all of his replies are by "kim." :) But logging in and out seems like more work than I'm willing to do . . . :) Kim, or, I guess on THIS website I could just sign off as "Moyer's mom!"
